Resurrecting Lost Dreams

Recent Writing(Archives)

#288 A world in a world

A world that makes me feel so insignificant yet I am even more insignificant the larger scale. I am an ant in a ginormous universe and possibly smaller than an ant. When I die, it will mean nothing to the larger scale of the universe. But, here we are, fighting to get noticed…

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#287 Oscar blues

I remember a time in my life when I would watch the Oscars with tears in my eyes, and this feeling of awe. Tears rolled down my cheeks, as I imagined myself winning an Oscar. I would ugly cry as I imagined. Now, so many years later, I still wonder why an Oscar…

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#286 welcome back frsh

I haven’t written The Frshta Show blog in a while. I stopped because I felt like my content was very negative. It wasn’t that I fell off the horse. I just got tired of hearing myself and reading my words. The moment I stopped writing the blog, things started shifting for me for…

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